Carbon impact data: highlights and context
Here are some highlights from our recently published carbon impact update: 1. Landfill diversion @ junket, Jan-Oct 2016: 5.236 tons of product sold, weighed, and classified by material type. 2.…
Read MoreMeasurable environmental benefit: Carbon emissions avoidance through Reuse (and sharing Junket’s YTD results)
I’m not sure how great we’ve been at keeping you guys in the loop about this, but our carbon impact work has taken some big steps forward as of late,…
Read MoreFreezing Protestors: The Fight for Clean Water
Watched this via live stream last night. Grateful to see the issue getting national, mainstream coverage. These protesters (which include members of our immediate Minneapolis community) are working to protect…
Read More#NoDAPL
Tonight, we’re grateful for the bravery of those who are putting their lives on the line to protect a critical multi-state water supply. We’re also grateful to those who came…
Read More179 other countries are committed to the Paris climate treaty for good reason.
This is happening, folks. 179 other countries are not threatening to back out of a climate treaty for good reason. When it comes to solving this issue, we lost an…
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