The Environmental Impact of a Successful #NoDAPL Campaign
Remember how we recently shared about our waste diversion/carbon mitigation efforts? How we were excited to have helped you avoid the production of 28 metric tons of CO2e because you could buy used things here instead of new ones elsewhere?
To add some perspective to what just happened at Standing Rock (it was just announced that the US army corps of engineers has denied DAPL permission to continue their work at Lake Oahe), we’re going to share a comparison.
Junket’s entire year of impact (so far) has offset the equivalent of about 70 barrels of oil. DAPL would have pumped (and still will, if it’s not blocked completely) nearly 470,000 barrels of oil PER DAY. At a time when 5.5 million people a year are dying prematurely as a result of polluted air.
We’ve got a massive opportunity to wean ourselves off of this stuff. Increased demand in the reuse market would lead to clean jobs and infrastructure — easing the financial impacts of degrowth in traditional markets.
It’s time to get over the idea that secondhand is second class– to the contrary, reuse offers the most sustainable — and ethical — products possible: the ones that already exist.